Chapter 5 Conferences
Here is a (brief) list of conferences that we like to attend:
conference | time of year | abstracts due | student scholarships |
ENAR | March | early/mid October | available |
SAS Global Forum | April | September/October | available |
useR | June/July | February | available |
JSM | 1st week of August | student awards: Nov/Dec | available |
ASA Biopharm Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop | September | mid April | available |
WSDS | late October | mid April | available |
APHA | late October/early November | March | available |
5.1 Scholarships
Students in our department have had success applying to the following funding sources
- We have had three 1st place successes for the Government Statistics Section Data Challenge.
- Women in Statistics and Data Science Travel Award.
- useR Student Scholarship
- Chat with Laurie for more information.
- APHA Applied Public Health Statistics section Student Paper Award
- Chat with Lucy for more information.
- SAS Global Forum Student Ambassador
- Chat with Lucy for more information.
- JSM Diversity Mentoring Program
- Chat with Nathan for more information.